"Love like this.
When finally the moment arrives that you see him again.
When you finally,
actually feel his arms around you.
After months of imagining how that must feel like when it happens.
After months of being afraid something will happen to him.
After months of missing him.
After months of wondering where he is and how he is.
After months of only having him around in the form of letters and quick phone calls.
After months of loving him that only kept growing stronger no matter the distance.
So when that moment arrives after all,
and you realize he is actually there, with you.
You feel his embrace and presence
and finally his lips against yours.
It feels like nothing could ever come between you ever again."
Ich hab' mich nie vorher so gut aufgehoben gefühlt.
Mindestens genauso wundervoll wie der Post davor! :)
AntwortenLöschenUnd klar bleib ich dir und deinem Blog treu, wieso sollte ich auch nicht? Freut mich, dass ich dir deinen Tag noch schöner gemacht habe, hihi.
Jedenfalls, aber klar werd' ich weiterhin vorbeischauen! :)
Liebe Grüße! <3